Bricksultimate 1.8.6 is now available!

New Feature: Order Bumps/Bundle Products

Premium add-on for Bricks Builder

Customize the WooCommerce Email Templates in Bricks

BricksUltimate has added another cool functionality to their add-on. You can directly customize the WooCommerce Email templates on the Bricks Editor. You customize the following email templates: Step 1: Make sure that you activate the HPOS feature in WooCommerce. Navigate to WooCommerce-> Settings -> Advanced -> Features page and enable the High-performance order storage radion button. Now you will get some new template types in the Bricks -> Templates -> Template type dropdown. Step 2: Create the Bricks template, select the correct email template type, and build the design with…

Sync the Quantity or Quantity Dropdown element with the Add To Cart element on the Single Product Page

Our 2-3 customers tried it and fetched the issue. So we are publishing the tutorial for it. But there is a small disadvantage. If you have variable products, then the layout can be messed up. We are not sure if they have variable products or not. Here is the procedure: Step 1: Add a DIV or Block wrapper first and add the class brxe-loop-builder-on Step 2: Add the Quantity or Quantity Dropdown element Step 3: Add the Add To Cart or Add To Cart Icon element Step 4: Go to…

Creating Custom Thank You Page In Bricks

We can easily create a custom Thank You page with the Bricks editor like the above image for the WooCommerce shop site. The full page is built with dynamic tags and a custom query loop builder. We shared the JSON file. BricksUltimate’s user imports the template and checks the settings. Steps Check preview: Go to your Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Orders page. There have order list. Click on the “Receipt of #Order ID” link and you can check the preview.

How do you create the custom fields in the checkout form with the BricksUltimate’s checkout builder?

BricksUltimate released the Checkout Builder feature for the WooCommerce checkout page. With this feature, you can directly make custom fields. In this tutorial, We show how to create the delivery date picker field. Step 1: Create a shipping field. So we select the Shipping Fields element in the canvas.Step 2: Select the “Custom Field” option from the Field dropdownStep 3: Field Type would be “Text”Step 4: Enter the field name like “shipping_delivery”Step 5: Enter the field label under the Label sectionStep 6: You can also adjust other optionsStep 7: Last…

Creating the modal mini cart layout in Bricks

Since BricksUltimate v1.6, you can create the modal mini cart functionality. The following tools are needed to accomplish this function: Then we can easily make a modal mini cart layout from the Bricks editor. Step 1. Creating Popup Template You create the popup template with the bricks popup builder. Navigate to Bricks -> Templates and click on the Add New button. Enter the title and select the template type “Popup”. Launch the bricks editor with the “Edit with Bricks” button and create the layout. In this tutorial, we used the…

How Cart Page Content Updates Automatically When Changing The Quantity

We shall remove the update button and update the cart content(w/o refreshing the page) when changing the quantity or removing the item(s). Here are the simple tips.

Adding Quantity Input Field to Bricks Mini Cart element

The bricks builder has a native side cart element (Mini Cart) for the WooCommerce site. In this tutorial, I shall show how we can add the quantity field with the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons there. So the customer can easily update the cart item’s quantity from there without any page refresh. Step 1: Adding the Quantity Input FieldAdd the following PHP code to your site. You can use the Bricks Child theme’s function.php file or any 3rd party snippets plugin like WPCodex. – OR –

Creating Product Gallery Slider with Nested Slider Element

In this post, I shall show you how you will create the product gallery slider with the bricks’ native nested slider element. Bricks introduced the loop builder and you can use the loop builder in the nested slider element.BricksUltimate created a custom loop builder “Product Galleries” which is fetching the WooCommerce product’s gallery images and displays at the frontend.Before making the slider, make sure that you enabled the Image Attachment element from the Bricks -> BricksUltimate -> General Elements tab.Step 1: Add the section/container/block element as a wrapperStep 2: Add…

Creates Product Cross-sells Section with Query Loop Builder

As per request, the BricksUltimate add-on created a custom provider for the query loop builder and you can make the cross-sells products list (on a single product/ cart page) with the loop builder. Step 1: Linked Cross-sells Products with a Product At first, we shall link the cross-sells product to a product from the dashboard. 1. Login to your dashboard and add/edit a product.2. Click on the “Linked Products” tab3. Add some products in Cross-sells input box4. Save the post Step 2: Make List with Query Loop

Condition Logic for WooCommerce

Bricks 1.5.4 added a powerful feature “Condition Logic”. You can show/hide the content dynamically with it and set up your custom logic from the bricks editor. You do not need any extra code for it. BricksUltimate add-on added the custom condition for WooCommerce shop site. You will get them inside the Bricks’ conditional logic window. Right now there have a few logic. Later logic will increase and users can request the missing logic also. Current Logics: Product is in stock or notProduct is a featured productProduct is a virtual productProduct…

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