As per request, the BricksUltimate add-on created a custom provider for the query loop builder and you can make the cross-sells products list (on a single product/ cart page) with the loop builder.
Step 1: Linked Cross-sells Products with a Product
At first, we shall link the cross-sells product to a product from the dashboard.
1. Login to your dashboard and add/edit a product.
2. Click on the “Linked Products” tab
3. Add some products in Cross-sells input box
4. Save the post
Step 2: Make List with Query Loop
- Navigate to Bricks -> BricksUltimate -> MISC tab and enable the “Ultimate Woo Query” option.
- Now open the single product template on the bricks builder editor.
- Add the “Container” element to the canvas and enable the Use Query Loop option.
- Once you’ve enabled the Use Query Loop setting, you’ll see a Query control. This is where you will get the new query provider “Ultimate Woo Query” in the Type dropdown.
- Close this Query control popup and you will get extra controls inside the container content tab. Select the “Product Cross-sells” from the Woo Query Type dropdown and adjust the other settings as per your requirements.
- Add the nested elements like post title, featured image, price, add to cart, etc inside the container element and build the layout as per your site design.
- Publish the changes