Bricks 1.5.4 added a powerful feature “Condition Logic”. You can show/hide the content dynamically with it and set up your custom logic from the bricks editor. You do not need any extra code for it. BricksUltimate add-on added the custom condition for WooCommerce shop site. You will get them inside the Bricks’ conditional logic window.
Right now there have a few logic. Later logic will increase and users can request the missing logic also.

Current Logics:
- Product is in stock or not
- Product is a featured product
- Product is a virtual product
- Product is on-sale
- Product has short description
- Product has description
- Product has review
- Product has related products
- Product has upsell products
- Cart is empty
- Template pages: is shop page, is cart page, is checkout page, is single product page, etc.
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