Style Bricks Post State text
Someone asked this question in the Bricks Community FB group Hi guys, is it possible to stylize “Bricks” in pages as in the picture? In the css there is only a generic class “post-state”. I have a site with several pages managed with both Gutenberg or Bricks and would like to make it more obvious where Bricks Builder is used. Open the functions.php file of the Bricks child theme or add this small PHP code in 3rd party snippets plugin.
Adding a section after the nth query loop post
Assume you created a post section with the bricks query loop builder. How can you add a custom section like an image, heading with some content, etc after the nth post? A simple way we can do this. Here is the demo video. You will get the idea.
Creating Related Posts Section with ACF Post Object Field Type
The ACF Post Object field creates a drop-down to select one or more posts, pages or custom post type items. With this option, we can manually assign the post(s) from the dashboard and create the specific related posts section on our site. The BricksUltimate just enhanced this field-type option for the bricks. It created the custom loop builder for ACF Post Object field type and users can easily build a flexible layout from the Bricks builder editor. Preview
Display category posts in accordion
We shall display the categories posts in accordion layout with the Bricks accordion nestable element. Here we shall use two loops builder: 1st one will fetch the terms of a selected taxonomy and 2nd one will fetch the post(s) based on term ID. Checkout the video below In this demo, I fetched the post categories and their related posts. But you can use it for the custom taxonomy and fetch their related custom post-type content.
Add aria-label attribute to Mini Cart link
The Mini Cart element of Bricks Builder is not adding the aria-label property to the anchor link. But you can add it with a small PHP code. Open the functions.php file of the bricks child theme or put the code in your 3rd party snippets plugin. Replace the ENTERARIALABEL text in the above code with your valid aria-label text. Explanation: Bricks have filter bricks/element/render_attributes. So you can add your own custom attributes to any HTML markup. Here I used this filter. This filter is accepting the 3 parameters: attributes in…
Get the most viewed posts with Post Views Count plugin and Bricks
In this tutorial, we used the 3rd party plugin “Post Views Count” plugin for tracking the post views counter. You will install, activate, and setup the settings of the plugin as per your requirement. Here I am giving the compatibility query builder provider for the Bricks builder editor. Creating Loop Builder Provider Open the functions.php file of your Bricks child theme or you can use any 3rd party snippets plugin. Enter the following codes: This code will create the custom provider for the Bricks loop builder. You can easily make…
Display popular posts in bricks
We will display the popular posts(most viewed posts) with the bricks loop builder. If you don’t want to use a plugin, then you can use this method. Storing Views Counter in The Custom Field Open the functions.php of the bricks child theme or drop the following code into the 3rd party snippets plugin. Once you have used this code, every time a user visits the single post page, the custom field wpbu_post_views_count will be updated. Note: If you are using a caching plugin, then this method will not work by default. You…
Display only sticky posts with the loop builder
In this tutorial, I shall show you how you will list the all sticky posts with the bricks loop builder. Make sure that you installed the BricksUltimate add-on and activate the Ultimate Query Builder option from your Dashboard -> Bricks -> BricksUltimate -> Misc tab. Now add one element of these container, block, and div elements to the canvas and enable the loop option. Select the Query -> Type -> Ultimate Query Builder -> Custom WP Query provider. Drop the following PHP code in the code text box and create…
Displaying today’s post with the Bricks loop builder
BricksUltimate has a Custom Wp Query loop builder. With it, you can create your own custom query. Here we will use the “date_query” args and filter the WP Query loop. BricksUltimate released the Post Grid element. You can use this element or use the native bricks container/block/div element to build the posts list. Select the “Ultimate Query Builder” from the Query -> Types dropdown and choose the Custom WP Query from the next dropdown. Enter the following PHP code into the code box. It will fetch only today’s post(s). If you are getting the wrong post title and permalink, you…
Displaying the posts from today’s date
Here we shall display the posts which are published today or later. You know that BricksUltimate has a custom wp-query loop builder provider. With this option, we shall create our custom query args and build the query. Here we will use the “date_query” args and filter the post’s WP Query loop. BricksUltimate recently released the Post Grid element. You can use this element or use the native bricks container/block/div element and enable the loop option. Select the “Ultimate Query Builder” from the Query -> Types dropdown and choose the Custom…