BricksUltimate has a Custom Wp Query loop builder. With it, you can create your own custom query.
Here we will use the “date_query” args and filter the WP Query loop.
BricksUltimate released the Post Grid element. You can use this element or use the native bricks container/block/div element to build the posts list. Select the “Ultimate Query Builder” from the Query -> Types dropdown and choose the Custom WP Query from the next dropdown.
Enter the following PHP code into the code box. It will fetch only today’s post(s).
<?php $today = getdate(); $args = [ 'post_status' => 'published', 'posts_per_page' => 6, 'post_type' => 'post', 'date_query' => [ [ 'year' => $today['year'], 'month' => $today['mon'], 'day' => $today['mday'] ] ] ]; return $args; ?>
If you are getting the wrong post title and permalink, you will use these dynamic tags: {bu_post_title} and {post_permalink}.