In this tutorial, we shall see how we can make the adjacent posts navigation section for our single post/cpt page. The BricksUltimate added a custom provider for it which is giving the flexibility and power to the bricks users.

Bricks 1.3.7 added the Query Loop builder to the container element and It allows you to retrieve data from your database and render whatever content you want to show inside the loop (dynamic data).
With this cool feature, we can quickly build the adjacent posts navigation section on a single page. The BricksUltimate is adding the custom query providers and boosting the Query Loop builder’s power.
Minimum requirements are:
1. WooCommerce Plugin
2. BricksUltimate Plugin
Before starting the process, makes sure that you installed and activated the WooCommerce and BricksUltimate plugins.
Step 1: Log in to your Dashboard and go to Bricks->BricksUltimte settings page. Click on the MISC tab and enable the “Ultimate Query Builder” feature.

Step 2: Now open the bricks builder editor. Add the “Container” element to the canvas and enable the Use Query Loop option.
Step 3: Once you’ve enabled the Use Query Loop setting, you’ll see a Query control. This is where you will get the new query provider “Ultimate Query Builder” in the Type dropdown.
Step 4: Close this Query control popup and you will get extra controls below the container. Select the “Adjacent Posts” query type and adjust the other settings as per your requirements.

Step 5: Add the sub-elements like post title, image, arrow icon, custom text, etc inside the container and build the layout as per your site design.
Step 6: Save and Publish button
1 comment
Jornes Sim
I started to use this feature. I can say this guide is very easy to follow. Thanks Chinmoy!