Bricksultimate 1.8.6 is now available!

New Feature: Order Bumps/Bundle Products

Premium add-on for Bricks Builder

WS Forms Styler

WSForms Styler
WSForms Styler

The WSForms Styler element gives you full control over styling. It covers the maximum field types of the WSForms plugin and you can add/edit the default’s color, spacing, fonts, width, size, etc. You will find this element under the Ultimate category on the builder editor.

You can also dynamically display the form via a custom field(ACF/MetaBox). Your custom field will return the WSForm ID and the element will fetch the form dynamically. In this case, the source option would be dynamic.

You customize the following field types:

  1. Sections
  2. All labels
  3. Input fields with focus effect
  4. Checkbox
  5. Radio buttons
  6. Select box
  7. Buttons
  8. Save button
  9. Reset button
  10. Clear button
  11. Rating
  12. Divider
  13. File Upload
  14. Range Slider
  15. Message

Global Styles / Theme Styles

Global or Theme styles are available for the Bricks builder editor. Open the Bricks builder editor, go to Settings – > Theme Styles -> WSForms Styles group, and make the global styler for your site.

WSForms Global Styler
WSForms Global Styler

Activate The Element

By default this element is disabled. At first, you will activate the WSForm Styler element after going to your Dashboard -> Bricks -> BricksUltimate -> General Elements page. Under the general elements tab, you will get the elements list. Checkmark the WSForm Styler element and save the settings.