The Off-Canvas is for the Bricks Builder element, which can be toggled via trigger selectors. It will appear from the top, left, right, or bottom edge of the viewport. It is a flexible element. You can add any other elements inside of this element. The panel will slide in/out with a trigger selector. The trigger selector element can be a link, button, animated burger button, icon, etc. You can use the multiple trigger selectors for an off-canvas panel.
The Off-Canvas element is a nestable element. Child elements of the Off-Canvas element will show in the panel. You can put any elements there.
Activate The Element
Make sure that you installed the Bricks 1.5 or later version. Thereafter, you will go to your Dashboard -> Bricks -> BricksUltimate page. Under the General tab, you will get the elements list. Checkmark the Off Canvas element and save the settings. Now it will be listed on the Bricks Builder editor.
When you will use the Off-Canvas element inside the Header template, you should select the Placement option: “after </body> tag”.