Bricksultimate 1.8.4 is now available!

Premium add-on for Bricks Builder

Checkout Builder

Checkout Builder
Checkout Builder

Checkout Builder is an element for the Bricks Builder editor and WooCommerce. You can make a fully customizable Shopify kind of checkout page for your WooCommece shop site without writing the code. Every part of the checkout page is editable from the bricks builder editor.

Currently Checkout Builder element is divided into 10 small mini-elements.

  1. Billing Address Selector(not ready yet)
  2. Billing Fields
  3. Shipping Address Selector
  4. Shipping Fields
  5. Checkout Hooks
  6. Shipping Methods
  7. Cart Total Wrapper
  8. Cart Cost
  9. Payment Methods
  10. Place Order Button
Checkout Builder's Sub Elements
Checkout Builder’s Sub Elements


Minimum requirements:

  1. WooCommerce
  2. Bricks Builder

Activate Element

At first, you will activate this element from the Bricks -> BricksUltimate -> Woo tab page.

If you want to view the rest of the content, you need to buy the BricksUltimate add-on. Users of the BricksUltimate will view this content after login.

Log into Your Account

Lost Password?

Check out the following tutorials and try to understand how you will configure the elements and create the checkout page.

Recommended Tutorials:
  1. A checkout page with only a billing form and payment gateway.
  2. How do you create a Shopify like checkout page with the checkout builder?